Contact list, aka roster
In XMPP the contact list, aka buddy listâ„¢ is called roster. After your connection succeeded you can request the roster from the server with the following code:
Request and enumerate the contact list
// request the roster from the server
var rosterIqResult = await xmppClient.RequestRosterAsync();
// get all rosterItems (list of contacts)
var rosterItems
= rosterIqResult
// enumerate over the items and build your contact list or GUI
foreach (var ri in rosterItems)
// we use AutoMapper here to map the XMPP
// rosterItem to our Contact ViewModel
var contact = mapper.Map<Contact>(ri);
contacts.AddOrReplace(contact, c => c.Jid == contact.Jid);
// Dump some info
Console.WriteLine($"Jid: {ri.Jid}");
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {ri.Name}");