Nuget instructions

XmppDotNet packages are available on Nuget. The latest developer build are available on myget

Install from nuget

PM> Install-Package XmppDotNet
PM> Install-Package XmppDotNet.Extensions
PM> Install-Package XmppDotNet.Transport.Socket
PM> Install-Package XmppDotNet.Transport.WebSocket
PM> Install-Package XmppDotNet.Srv

Depending on what feaures you are using you may not need to install all the packages above. HWen you are new to XmppDotNet then we suggest just to install all the above NuGet packages.

myget feed

The latest developer builds are always available on myget. Those builds pass exactly the same QA as production builds and are stable. However the API of new features in development can still change.

Nuget v3 feed URL