Custom handlers
Instead of subscribing to XmppXElementStreamObserver for handling packets we also can write handlers and inject them to the ChannelPipeline.
The following example is creating a handler that handles incoming software version requests XEP-0092: Software Version
using XmppDotNet;
using XmppDotNet.Xml;
using XmppDotNet.Xmpp;
using XmppDotNet.Xmpp.Client;
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
/// <summary>
/// This handler automatically replies to incoming XMPP software version requests (XEP-0092: Software Version)
/// </summary>
public class VersionHandler : XmppHandler
public VersionHandler(XmppClient xmppClient)
: base(xmppClient)
el =>
&& el.Cast<Iq>().Type == IqType.Get
&& el.Cast<Iq>().Query.OfType<XmppDotNet.Xmpp.Version.Version>()
.Subscribe(async el =>
var iq = el.Cast<Iq>();
var resIq = new VersionIq();
resIq.Id = iq.Id;
resIq.To = iq.From;
resIq.Type = IqType.Result;
resIq.Version.Name = "XmppDotNet-Client";
resIq.Version.Os = "Windows";
resIq.Version.Ver = "1.2.0";
await xmppClient.SendAsync(resIq).ConfigureAwait(false);
Now our handler then can be ingested to the XmppClient. We add the handler in the constructor when we create our XmppClinet instance.
var xmppClient = new XmppClient(
conf =>
conf.AutoReconnect = true;
(handlers, client) => handlers.Add(new VersionHandler(client)))
Jid = "",
Password = "***secret***"